Immigration documents are now due in class on Monday, March 19, as are revised midterm exams. The due date for the research paper is now Monday, March 26.
Please note the new reading dates below (these may shift):
For Wednesday, 3/14, please read Chapter Thirteen and be prepare written answers to the following questions:
- How did the Cold War effect immigration and immigration policy?
- What was surprising about who was admitted under the Displaced Persons Act of 1948?
- What did President Truman say was the greatest vice of the quota system and what was he specifically referring to?
- While immigration policy was still focused on Europe, who was really immigrating to the U.S. in larger numbers and why?
- What was revolutionary about the Immigration Act of 1965 and how did it fit with the national mood?
- What were the unanticipated results of the 1965 law?
- What is parole authority and how does it relate to the Refugee Act of 1980.
- How does a refugee differ from an asylee?
- How did American attitudes toward refugees change between WWII and 1980?
- What was the Mariel Crisis and how did it compare with Haiti's boat people?
- What's so interesting about the numbers of legal immigrants and the quota limits?
- What three things does Daniels say brought about a change in attitude towards Asian immigrants?
- What characteristics have led to Asian Americans being called the model minority?
- What are ABCs and FOBs and who are the "silent" Chinese of San Francisco?
- What are the three distinct increments of Filipino immigration?
- What profession niche do recent Filipino immigrants dominate and why?
- Who were the Koreans who came before the 1965 immigration act?
- What do Indian and Korean immigrants have in common?
- How and why do Vietnamese immigrants differ from other recent Asian immigrants?
- What was the total number of Vietnamese War refugees and their children, and what nationalities are included?
- Compare the population growth of Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Indian, Korean, and Vietnamese Americans since 1965. What accounts for the differences?
- Who are the majority of recent immigrants from Spanish-speaking America and who do their migration patterns most resemble?
- What became the Cuban American population center, what was their socioeconomic background, and what effect have they had on the part of America where they are concentrated?
- How has the Cuban Refugee program effected race relations?
- What percentage of the Dominican population came to the U.S. on tourist visas?
- Why are conditions so bad in Haiti, and why are Haitians not generally given refugee status in the U.S.?
- With the exception of Costa Rica, what kind of shape are the countries of Central America in and why?
- Why did the president of El Salvador ask the U.S. not to deport Salvadorans?
- What are the three classes of Central America refugees?
- What is the sanctuary movement?
- Why did Soviet Jews go to the head of the immigration line? What's the irony in this?
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