Friday, April 6, 2018

Week 13: VSI Chapters 3-5 Reading Questions

For Monday's class, please read Chapter 3 of American Immigration: A Very Short Introduction, and prepare written answers to the following questions:
  • Why did World War II cause America to rethink its immigration policies? (45)
  • What was the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952? (46)
  • What was the refugee situation at the end of World War II? (46) And why did the U.S. feel the need to do something about it? (47)
  • What is the Displaced Persons Act of 1948? (47)
  • What is presidential parole power, and how did Eisenhower use it? (47)
  • How were Cuban and Vietnamese refugees able to integrate so rapidly? (48)
  • What led to the overturning of the quota system? (48-49)
  • What did the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act do? (51-52)
  • What were the unintended consequences of the law? (53)
  • What does the book say studies have shown about the link between immigration and crime? (54)
  • What caused the huge rise in illegal immigration from Mexico? (56)
  • What attitudes changed and what laws were enacted because of the recession of the 1980s? (62)
  • What did George W. Bush do? (63)
For Wednesday's class, please read Part II, Chapter 4 of American Immigration: A Very Short Introduction.
  • What roles did mass literacy, cheap mass-produced publications, and state postal systems play in 19th and early 20th immigration? What plays those roles now? (66)
  • What traits to immigrants have that lend themselves to economic and social integration and why do they have these traits? (67 and 85)
  • How many people resided outside their birth countries in 2005? What percentage of the world's population is that? (68)
  • Were, besides the United States, are people migrating to, and why? (69)
  • What was the historical purpose of international migration between 1820 and 1924? (73)
  • Why did peasants and traditional craftsmen end up living the proletarian life of wage earners in the slums of industrial cities? (75-79)
  • In the 19th century, what drew immigrants to the United States? (80)
  • What altered the character of immigrants after 1890? (81)
  • How did Europeans who re-emigrated influence the immigration restriction debate? (83)
  • What immigration was happening on the Pacific Coast at this time? (84)
  • Is mass immigration chaotic or routine and predictable? (84)
For Friday's class, please read Chapter 5 of American Immigration: A Very Short Introduction.
  • What made the third massive wave of immigration to the United States possible? (86)
  • List the three factors that have made the United States so attractive. (87)
  • Describe the nationalization of immigration. (88-89)
  • What is notable able Asian (90) and Hispanic populations (91)?
  • What did the 1965 immigration law give high priority to in granting visas? (92)
  • How does Mira Flores in the Dominican Republic relate to the Boston area? (92-93)
  • How are most of today's immigrants different from those of the past? (93)
  • If the popular image of immigrants is blue collar workers, what is the reality by numbers? (94)
  • What are problems for those not in the country legally? (96)
  • Why are women predominate in modern migration streams? (97) And how have gender roles changed as a consequence? (98-99)
  • What has the Philippines done to encourage emigration? (98)
  • Why do people immigrate only to take jobs for which they are over qualified (i.e. downward mobility)? (99)

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